Friday, December 23, 2005
The Times Hits a Low Point in Good Taste
A Beginner’s Guide to Hanukkah
Anyone who reads the Times on a daily will be interested in today's op ed piece - referenced above.
I was so taken back with it that I wrote them a letter, cc below:
Dear Editor:
I am a daily reader and admirer of the Times.
However, this op-ed piece (referenced above) from today's paper is in such poor taste - insulting, disrespectful......indeed quixotic and way off-base.
I will still read the paper every day - indeed most often I agree with your editorials. But I implore you to use better judgement in the future when selecting a piece for the op-ed page.
Herbert Peress
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Someone connected to our Further Left Forum through your blog. That brought me here. I read through your posts and from what I've seen think you might be interested in giving what we have a look and possibly even joining us.
We operate three internet entities, all connected. The basis is a Further Left Chat Room. Associated with that is a Further Left Library where pertinent articles are stored and available. The address to that is . It contains a link to the Chat Room. Finally, we have a blog serving as a posting Forum. That is at . Among the links there are those to the Library materials and the Chat Room. Either are good representations of what we are about.
Our users are internationally based and the US takes a lot of hits as you can imagine. It may be too much for you but there is only one way to find out. I am usually in the Chat Room during your daylight hours using the name Pocho but not always at the screen. I will mention your blog's existance to some there hope you give us a look with prospect we may come to know you.
As to the Times Op-Ed piece noted, my intentional equally bad taste xmas card on the Forum mentioned provides sufficient comment.
Someone connected to our Further Left Forum through your blog. That brought me here. I read through your posts and from what I've seen think you might be interested in giving what we have a look and possibly even joining us.
We operate three internet entities, all connected. The basis is a Further Left Chat Room. Associated with that is a Further Left Library where pertinent articles are stored and available. The address to that is . It contains a link to the Chat Room. Finally, we have a blog serving as a posting Forum. That is at . Among the links there are those to the Library materials and the Chat Room. Either are good representations of what we are about.
Our users are internationally based and the US takes a lot of hits as you can imagine. It may be too much for you but there is only one way to find out. I am usually in the Chat Room during your daylight hours using the name Pocho but not always at the screen. I will mention your blog's existance to some there hope you give us a look with prospect we may come to know you.
As to the Times Op-Ed piece noted, my intentional equally bad taste xmas card on the Forum mentioned provides sufficient comment.
There is no actual link to the article, strike 1, and the letter really does not mention any facts in it, its just hot air.
Both points are well taken......
1. "no link" - correct......because the title of the op-ed piece - "a Beginner's......Foe" is adequate for anyone to jump to the NYTimes site (from sidebar) and bring up the piece by inserting title into its search engine.....
up till now i've purposely refrained from giving specific links for Times' articles (because if one is not registered the link will only lead to its registration sign up page) but on reconsideration - and i thank you for the provocation - i will ex post facto alter my modus operandus.......Thank you.
Post Script: interestingly, the NYTimes site shows no references to the subject op-ed piece, which appeared Dec 23rd. indeed if one goes on the site to a listing of its op-ed pieces there are none that can be brought up from that day. curious that there's a "blackout" for the day....could be ;-) that the Times itself is embarrassed for the piece and has imposed its own blackout....
2. as to the "hot air" I refrained in this instance from guilding the lily. so-to-speak, but you are correct in that the letter is amiss in not citing at least one example of what i was attempting to convey.
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1. "no link" - correct......because the title of the op-ed piece - "a Beginner's......Foe" is adequate for anyone to jump to the NYTimes site (from sidebar) and bring up the piece by inserting title into its search engine.....
up till now i've purposely refrained from giving specific links for Times' articles (because if one is not registered the link will only lead to its registration sign up page) but on reconsideration - and i thank you for the provocation - i will ex post facto alter my modus operandus.......Thank you.
Post Script: interestingly, the NYTimes site shows no references to the subject op-ed piece, which appeared Dec 23rd. indeed if one goes on the site to a listing of its op-ed pieces there are none that can be brought up from that day. curious that there's a "blackout" for the day....could be ;-) that the Times itself is embarrassed for the piece and has imposed its own blackout....
2. as to the "hot air" I refrained in this instance from guilding the lily. so-to-speak, but you are correct in that the letter is amiss in not citing at least one example of what i was attempting to convey.
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