Thursday, June 21, 2007

We lived in Alex. Va - one of Washington's upscale bedroom communities - for about 12+ years and I always felt that there was something in the air down in our nation's Capitol which made the soccer moms a little bit more uptight than normal. ....
Well, after you read this and then watch this piece recently broadcast on CNN/Paula Zahn , (patience while it loads) it proves the point...
You will not believe the extremes to which some moms (and their K-12 public school administrators) in these Virginia suburbs will go to protect their little darlin's....Kids there are forbidden from touching one another in any shape, manner or form during school hours - that includes hugs, handshakes, back slaps, high name it.
I bet that Laurie Baker, this school's PTA Pres indeed even has SEX WITHOUT TOUCHING! She really needs a little loosening up.
My suggestion - give her a weekend with anyone of the PERESS boys and she'll come back a new woman!